- Nagaoka University of Technology
- Education
- Our Education
- Curriculum Policy
- Professional Degree Course
Professional Degree Course
Professional Degree Course
The professional degree course, System Safety, organizes and implements the curriculum based on the following ideas.
1. In order to foster the practical abilities needed to apply system safety in various fields, lectures and seminars will be held to teach risk assessments (including case studies and practical training), writing of standards proposals and safety planning proposals, as well as safety certification and organizational safety management. (Compulsory subjects)
2. To enhance the knowledge of system safety to be learned systematically and to cultivate its practical ability to apply to
organizational management, project research will be implemented for a specific theme related to system safety that is personally uncovered. (Compulsory subject)
3. Lectures will be conducted in various fields on safety principles, policy/management, standards/certification, and safety technology in order to provide students with cutting-edge knowledge on safety management and a strong sense of ethics; allow students to adopt an approach for system safety that integrates and applies safety technology and management skills; and foster systematic and
specialized fundamental abilities that enable students to conduct and practically apply various types of analyses. (Elective compulsory subjects)
4. To acquire specialized knowledge related to system safety, lectures will be given on topics of relevant fields. (Elective subject)
5. To cultivate practical abilities of safety management, safety certification, etc., internships will be implemented in safety certification authorities and research institutions for safety technology in Japan and abroad. (Elective subject)
6. Grading is conducted in a fair and impartial manner in accordance with the objective goals and criteria specified in the syllabus.
Curriculum Policy
- Bachelor’s Program
- Master's Program
- Doctoral Program
- 5-year Integrated Doctoral Program
- Professional Degree Course