

Basic philosophy of education and educational objective

Fundamental Education & Research Principles and Education Objectives

Fundamental Education & Research Principles

 Nagaoka University of Technology (hereinafter referred to as “NUT”) was founded on the fundamental principles of developing new technologies that can contribute to human prosperity, and nurturing leading scientists who have the practical and creative skills to implement new technology while being aware of the nature of science and technology and their social impact. As an engineering university that conducts education and research with a primary focus on application of technological developments, NUT (which was established as a new concept university) has created the science of technology, or Gigaku, and trains practical and creative engineers to apply this science in collaboration with society.
 “Gigaku” is the science of technology which seeks to reexamine the diverse technologies of the real world from the perspective of science and so push technological developments to ever higher levels. By integrating theory and practice through a continuous feedback loop of deriving theories from practice and testing the derived theories in practice, NUT hopes to achieve broad understanding and application of various sciences, ranging from practical technologies derived from the physical sciences and engineering to management science.
 The fundamental education and research principles of NUT are embodied in the “VOS” concept. “V” refers to Vitality, or the vigor needed to pursue the feedback loop of theory and practice in research; “O “ refers to “Originality”, or the cultivation of creative abilities in science and technology; and “S” refers to “Service”, or the application of science and technology to contribute to the welfare and sustained prosperity of the wider society.
 The Graduate School of Engineering at NUT aims to develop engineers and researchers with a high level of technical skill and creativity in research and development. As NUT was established with the purpose of providing an integrated and seamless education between the undergraduate and master’s programs, all students are expected, in principle, to advance to the master’s program.

Education Objectives

 Based on the fundamental education and research principles described above, NUT has established the following educational objectives:

  1. To develop engineers who can understand the various matters surrounding science and technology (such as the natural environment and humanity’s cultural and economic activities), and to appreciate the application of science and technology from a wide perspective as a means to serve social welfare and sustained prosperity.
  2. To develop engineers who, as those who develop and implement science and technology, have a heightened awareness of their responsibilities to society and the ability to explain their work.
  3. To develop engineers who possess the vision to implement science and technology at the regional, national, and international levels; and to cultivate communication skills to realize this vision.
  4. To develop engineers who can respond to changes in society, have the flexibility to incorporate new information into their thinking, and are able to improve their abilities throughout their lifetime.
  5. To develop engineers who have the advanced expertise and applied skills based on a solid foundation of knowledge in the specialized fields of science and technology.
  6. To develop engineers and researchers with the creative abilities to pioneer new science and technological fields.
  7. To develop engineers who can fulfill leadership roles in the implementation of science and technology at a national and international level.

Our Education