- Nagaoka University of Technology
- Topics
- 2020.12
- Student SDGs Promoter organized a Seminar "Let's Talk Diversity! Seminar on LGBT+ and GSRM"
Student SDGs Promoter organized a Seminar "Let's Talk Diversity! Seminar on LGBT+ and GSRM"
On Monday, November 16, a seminar on LGBT+ and GSRM was organized by the Student SDGs Promoter.
This seminar was held on the occasion of “Trans Awareness Week” (November 13-20) to bring people to share the difficulties faced by LGBT+ and GSRM people and to encourage everybody to think about future solutions.
This seminar was held online, so that foreign universities can also participate. Student SDGs Promoter, Ms. Elisa Claire Alemán Carreón from Information Science and Control Engineering of Nagaoka University of Technology (NUT), lectured clearly the basics of LGBT+ and GSRM, relevance with the SDGs, and challenges for social minorities in Japan and overseas. Also, presentation materials were prepared in both English and Japanese. This seminar provides an opportunity to obtain knowledge such as information of support groups and help desks, agenda of sexual diversity and sexual minority, and gender equality initiatives.
NUT will continue to actively support the activities of students and promote initiatives to achieve the SDGs as a team.
*You can download the PDF documents of presentation materials from the following URL.
大学戦略課 企画・広報室
〒940-2188 新潟県長岡市上富岡町1603-1
電話:0258-47-9209 FAX:0258-47-9010
- NUT Faculty Members and Students gave a lecture on "SDGs x Career Education and Research oriented to SDG9" to Waseda Saga Junior High School students.
- Student SDGs Promoter Organized a Seminar on “Refugees and SDGs”.
- NUT held a seminar on "Elimination of Violence against Women" organized by Student SDGs Promoter.
- Student SDGs Promoter organized a Seminar "Let's Talk Diversity! Seminar on LGBT+ and GSRM"
- Student SDGs Promoters exhibited SDG booth at HAKKO trip.