

INFORMATION on Graduation Ceremony in FY2020


To Graduates and their family members
To Current students

Nagaoka University of Technology
President AZUMA Nobuhiko

INFORMATION on Graduation Ceremony in FY2020

In view of the spread of COVID-19, we have decided to hold the graduation ceremony only with representatives of graduate students in order to minimize the number of participants.

The situation of COVID-19 in Japan is still unforeseeable as the virus keeps spreading not only to Tokyo and Kinki metropolitan areas, but also to rural areas. Infected case with COVID-19 have also been confirmed in Niigata Prefecture.

As we fully understand that graduation ceremony is a momentous event to mark a significant turning point celebrating a new start for graduates and their family members, we have been discussing and giving extra attention to review the ways to hold the event; however, we have reached this hard decision in consideration of the need both to prioritize the health and safety of everyone and to implement protective measures against the spread of COVID-19.
We are hosting the ceremony celebrating graduate students for their bright new beginning in the coming future.

We kindly ask your kind understanding and cooperation.

Streaming live of the graduation ceremony is planned to be available at the university website, so please participate the ceremony by online.

We will make a separate announcement for non-representative graduate students for the conferment of degree.

As the situation changes daily, we kindly ask to check the separate announcement to be provided on the university website for any changes including the cancellation of undergraduate and graduate graduation ceremonies.

  1. Date and Time
    March 25, 2021 (Thu.) From 10:00 am to 10:45 am.
  2. Venue
    Lecture room A, Nagaoka University of Technology
    Note: *The ceremony will be broadcast on the University website by streaming live.
  3. *“An Annual Meeting of NUT Alumni Association” “Celebration Party” and “Group Photo for Graduate Students”, which usually scheduled to be held after the graduation ceremony, are all CANCELLED.
  4. Participants
    Representative of graduates only
  5. Photo Booth
    We will set up a celebration photo booth on the campus. Please feel free to visit and use the booth for taking photos. For details, please check the university website to be informed later.
  6. Measures to prevent the spread of infection
    This ceremony, infection prevention measures will be taken based on national and prefectural guidelines.


Section of Administrative Affairs, Division of Administrative Affairs,
Nagaoka University of Technology
Tel: 0258-47-9204 (from inside Japan)
+81-258-47-9204(from outside Japan)


大学戦略課 企画・広報室
〒940-2188 新潟県長岡市上富岡町1603-1
電話:0258-47-9209 FAX:0258-47-9010