

NUT’s Action Guidelines for COVID-19 Prevention (Updated January 14) (From January 7 Until Further Notice)


NUT’s Action Guidelines for COVID-19 Prevention (Updated January 14)
(From January 7 Until Further Notice)

Nagaoka University of Technology

[1] NUT’s Fundamental Policies

  1. NUT places the health and safety of its students and staff as its top priority, and is working to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
  2. Educational activities will be conducted using both online classes and face-to-face classes with maximum consideration to the prevention of infections.
  3. Research activities shall be performed with maximum consideration to the health and safety of the students and staff, as well as the prevention of infections to all associated persons.

[2] Specific Action Guidelines
All education/research and university administration activities will be conducted at the discretion of the Emergency Management Headquarters. The following action guidelines are based on the “New Lifestyle” described by the national government. If NUT foresees an increase in COVID-19 cases, these action guidelines will be quickly revised as required.
Please download the “Health Check and Activity Record Sheet” (described below) from the following links:
新規ウインドウで開きます。PDF Version/ダウンロードのリンク 新規ウインドウで開きます。Excel Version(Excel:13KB)


  1. Although there are no restrictions against coming to campus, students are requested to continue to look after their health and prevent the spread of infections to others. Students should follow the infection prevention measures described below:
  • Avoid the “Three Cs” with increased infection risks within and outside campus (The “Three Cs” refer to Closed spaces, Crowded places, and Close-contact settings).
  • Always wear a mask within campus and when going outside to prevent spreading infections to others.
  • Using the “Health Check and Activity Record Sheet”, check your temperature/health condition and record your activities (visited locations and contacts) every day (If you become infected, you will be asked to submit the previous 2 weeks of records).
  1. In principle, classes in Term 3 will be conducted through online videoconferencing with Zoom. Classes that require face-to-face interactions (lectures, seminars, and laboratory subjects) will be conducted with social distancing. Masks and temperature checks are required for face-to-face classes. Students should refrain from attending classes if they have a fever of 37.5°C or higher, or if they have been sick or participated in high-risk activities in the past 2 weeks.
  2. Masks and temperature checks are also required for laboratory activities. When using equipment for experiments, users must wash their hands and/or use hand sanitizers at the start/during breaks/end of the experiments to prevent contact infections. Students should refrain from laboratory activities if they have been sick or participated in high-risk activities in the past 2 weeks.
  3. Overseas travel is, in principle, forbidden (Permission from the President of NUT is required). For travel within Japan to prefectures with high infection rates (Refer to the list below), students should carefully consider the need to travel to these prefectures, and to avoid doing so as far as possible. There are no restrictions to traveling to other prefectures, but students should travel with careful consideration to infection prevention. Students who have come from prefectures with increasing infections should carefully monitor their health condition for approximately 2 weeks after arriving.
  4. For job search activities that require travel within Japan, students should refer to the guideline in Item 4 above.
  5. With regard to going out, students should avoid the “Three Cs” and refrain from dangerous activities that may spread infections. Also, students should avoid having drinks or eating with people that they usually do not meet. When meeting and drinking with others, students must fully follow infection prevention measures.
  6. Students should be especially careful to avoid the “Three Cs” and prevent the spread of infections in club activities. With consideration to the guidelines specified by the relevant organization for each sport/game, each club should first submit an activity plan (including infection prevention measures) to the Division of Student Affairs and receive authorization before beginning their activities. In addition, each club should first submit an activity plan (including infection prevention measures) to the Division of Student Affairs and receive authorization before conducting any training camps or off-campus activities.
  7. If students must work at part-time jobs, they should only do so if the working environment has adequate infection prevention measures. Students are strongly requested to avoid dangerous part-time jobs with a high risk of infections with regard to the “Three Cs”.
  8. Students should stay at home and refrain from any activities if they are sick. If you suspect that you are infected with COVID-19, contact the Returnees & Potential Contacts Consultation Center (Public Health Center), seek medical care at a hospital/clinic, and inform the university. Stay at home for an additional 2 days after recovery.
  9. In addition, students should follow the information and requests (including warnings and notices) issued by the national government and Niigata prefectural government (or the local governments in any other prefecture that you visit).

Academic Staff

  1. Avoid the “Three Cs” with increased infection risks within and outside campus, and always wear a mask within campus and when going outside to prevent spreading infections to others. Using the “Health Check and Activity Record Sheet”, check your temperature/health condition and record your activities (visited locations and contacts) every day (If you become infected, you will be asked to submit the previous 2 weeks of records).
  2. In principle, classes in Term 3 will be conducted through online videoconferencing with Zoom. Classes that require face-to-face interactions (lectures, seminars, and laboratory subjects) will be conducted with social distancing. Ensure that the classroom is well ventilated (such as opening the doors and windows) before starting the class. Masks and temperature checks are required for face-to-face classes. Academic staff should cancel the class if they have a fever of 37.5°C or higher, or if they have been sick or participated in high-risk activities in the past 2 weeks.
  3. Masks and temperature checks are required for laboratory activities. The equipment for experiments (especially the areas that are touched) should be disinfected appropriately. Users must wash their hands and/or use hand sanitizers at the start/during breaks/end of the experiments to prevent contact infections.
  4. Overseas travel is, in principle, forbidden (Permission from the President of NUT is required). For travel within Japan to prefectures with high infection rates (Refer to the list below), academic staff should carefully consider the need to travel to these prefectures, and to avoid doing so as far as possible. There are no restrictions to traveling to other prefectures, but academic staff should travel with careful consideration to infection prevention. Academic staff who have come from prefectures with increasing infections should carefully monitor their health condition for approximately 2 weeks after arriving.
  5. Meetings should be, in principle, conducted through email or online videoconferencing.
  6. For meetings with external visitors (those with appointments), the names and contact information of all visitors should be recorded and emailed to the administrative office of the Emergency Management Headquarters. For external visitors coming from other prefectures with increasing infections, staff should first obtain permission from the Head of the Emergency Management Headquarters.
  7. When accompanying students to training camps or study/research retreats, an activity plan (including infection prevention measures) should first be prepared and submitted to the Emergency Management Headquarters.
  8. Also, academic staff should avoid having drinks or eating with people that they usually do not meet. When meeting and drinking with others, academic staff must fully follow infection prevention measures.
  9. Staff should stay at home and refrain from any activities if they are sick, and inform the university. If you suspect that you are infected with COVID-19, contact the Returnees & Potential Contacts Consultation Center (Public Health Center) and seek medical care at a hospital/clinic. Stay at home for an additional 2 days after recovery.
  10. In addition, academic staff should follow the information and requests (including warnings and notices) issued by the national government and Niigata prefectural government (or the local governments in any other prefecture that you visit).

Administrative Staff

  1. Administrative staff should adopt a flexible work style with teleworking, and take measures to avoid the “Three Cs” when working on campus. Avoid the “Three Cs” with increased infection risks within and outside campus, and always wear a mask within campus and when going outside to prevent spreading infections to others. Using the “Health Check and Activity Record Sheet”, check your temperature/health condition and record your activities (visited locations and contacts) every day (If you become infected, you will be asked to submit the previous 2 weeks of records).
  2. Overseas travel is, in principle, forbidden (Permission from the President of NUT is required). For travel within Japan to prefectures with high infection rates (Refer to the list below), administrative staff should carefully consider the need to travel to these prefectures, and to avoid doing so as far as possible. There are no restrictions to traveling to other prefectures, but administrative staff should travel with careful consideration to infection prevention. Administrative staff who have come from prefectures with increasing infections should carefully monitor their health condition for approximately 2 weeks after arriving.
  3. Meetings should be, in principle, conducted through email or online videoconferencing.
  4. For meetings with external visitors (those with appointments), the names and contact information of all visitors should be recorded and emailed to the administrative office of the Emergency Management Headquarters. For external visitors coming from other prefectures with increasing infections, staff should first obtain permission from the Head of the Emergency Management Headquarters.
  5. Also, academic staff should avoid having drinks or eating with people that they usually do not meet. When meeting and drinking with others, academic staff must fully follow infection prevention measures.
  6. Staff should stay at home and refrain from any activities if they are sick, and inform the university. If you suspect that you are infected with COVID-19, contact the Returnees & Potential Contacts Consultation Center (Public Health Center) and seek medical care at a hospital/clinic. Stay at home for an additional 2 days after recovery.
  7. In addition, administrative staff should follow the information and requests (including warnings and notices) issued by the national government and Niigata prefectural government (or the local governments in any other prefecture that you visit).

Use of Facilities

  1. The library is operating according to its usual hours, but can only be used by persons associated with NUT.
  2. Sports facilities can only be used by student clubs that have submitted an activity plan (including infection prevention measures such as avoidance of the “Three Cs”) and received authorization, or by academic staff who must use the facilities for education/research activities. Other students may only use the outdoor sports facilities with restrictions. Only persons associated with NUT may use these facilities.
  3. The welfare facilities (1st, 2nd, and 3rd Cafeterias; café; and the all-purpose store) are operating with infection prevention measures in place. Only persons associated with NUT may use these facilities.

※ Persons associated with NUT refer to NUT students, staff, individuals working on campus, individuals with scheduled appointments with NUT staff, and NUT-specified contractors.

<<Additional Safety Precautions>>
◎ In particular, avoid participating in the following activities as far as possible.

  1. Visiting any crowded places or events (or joining activities before and after such events)
  2. Live concerts and theatrical performances

◎ Infection prevention precautions must be followed for the following activities.

  1. Areas with a high risk of droplet infections, such as drinking parties and karaoke establishments
  2. Traveling on crowded public transport or going to public facilities where people gather (such as supermarkets, convenience stores, and banks)
  3. Eating out at restaurants, etc.
  4. Staying in hotels and other establishments

<<Recommended use of theCOVID-19 Contact Confirming Application COCOA>>
With the aim of preventing the spread of COVID-19, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare has developed the COCOA app (COVID-19 Contact Confirming Application). We recommend that you download the app from the following site and use it as appropriate.
外部サイトへリンク 新規ウインドウで開きます。https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/seisakunitsuite/bunya/cocoa_00138.html

Note: Prefectures with increasing infections (From announcements of the Niigata prefectural government based on Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare data)

  • Hokkaido
  • Tochigi
  • Tokyo metropolitan area (Tokyo, Saitama, Chiba, Kanagawa)
  • Gifu
  • Aichi
  • Kinki region (Osaka, Nara, Kyoto, Hyogo)
  • Fukuoka
  • Okinawa


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