- Nagaoka University of Technology
- Topics
- 2021.10
- Criteria and Requirements for the President’s Approval for Overseas Travel (Applicable to Academic Staff, Administrative Staff, and Students) (From October 14, 2021 Until Further Notice)
Criteria and Requirements for the President’s Approval for Overseas Travel (Applicable to Academic Staff, Administrative Staff, and Students) (From October 14, 2021 Until Further Notice)
NUT’s Action Guidelines for COVID-19 Prevention (Revised on August 26, 2021) state that “Overseas travel is, in principle, forbidden (Permission from the President of NUT is required)”. At present, overseas travel is still, in principle, forbidden.
However, the President may approve overseas travel for cases that fulfill NUT’s requirements for “Measures According to the Infectious Disease Risk Levels for Countries/Regions on the Overseas Safety Home Page of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs” and “Important Considerations”.
- Measures According to the Infectious Disease Risk Levels for Countries/Regions on the Overseas Safety Home Page of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
(1) Infectious Disease Risk Level 3 Countries/Regions (Avoid all travel. Cancellation of travel is recommended):
Approval will only be given to cases in which there are unavoidable reasons for overseas travel (implementation of program/project activities conducted by NUT or public programs organized by the national government), and where there are adequate infection prevention measures for the infection situation of the travel destination. Approval will not be given for travel for the purpose of individual-level research activities.
For students, approval will only be given to cases in which there are unavoidable reasons for overseas travel (long-term overseas studies based on international academic exchange agreements proposed by the student’s academic supervisor or class teacher-in-charge), and where there are adequate infection prevention measures for the infection situation of the travel destination.
Regarding personal travel for academic staff, administrative staff, and students, approval will only be given to cases in which there are unavoidable reasons for traveling to their home country/region, etc.
(2) Infectious Disease Risk Level 2 Countries/Regions (Avoid non-essential travel):
Approval will only be given to cases in which there are unavoidable reasons for overseas travel (including individual-level research activities in addition to the situations described above for Infectious Disease Risk Level 3), and where there are adequate infection prevention measures for the infection situation of the travel destination.
(3) Infectious Disease Risk Level 1 Countries/Regions (Exercise caution):
Approval will be given to cases in which travelers apply in advance with consideration to the current infection situation in Japan and overseas.
- Important Considerations
For each of the cases described in Items (1) to (3) above, the following requirements must also be fulfilled.
(1) Travel with the minimum required number of people (approval will only be given to the minimum required number of people).
(2) When requesting approval for travel, the Statement of Reasons for Overseas Travel (Appended Form) must be submitted to the Head of the Emergency Management Headquarters (President). The Statement of Reasons should include the reason(s) why traveling to the intended destination is unavoidable, the infection prevention measures in place at the destination (systematic infection prevention measures implemented by the host institution), and the quarantine period and health monitoring measures that will be followed after returning to Japan. If the statement’s content or infection prevention measures are determined to be inadequate, approval will not be given.
(3) Even if the President approves overseas travel, the infection situation may worsen and the medical system may become strained at the intended destination before the departure date. As the traveler’s safety cannot be guaranteed in such conditions, approval for travel will be canceled.
The criteria and requirements for approval will apply from October 14, 2021.
Application form ■(PDF:389KB)/■(Word:15KB)
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- Criteria and Requirements for the President’s Approval for Overseas Travel (Applicable to Academic Staff, Administrative Staff, and Students) (From October 14, 2021 Until Further Notice)