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  • 2022.03
  • Nagaoka University of Technology held the “Toward the Promotion of a Sustainable Recycling-Oriented Society” symposium for FY 2021 Project for Promoting Understanding of Energy Structure Advancement and Conversion.

Nagaoka University of Technology held the “Toward the Promotion of a Sustainable Recycling-Oriented Society” symposium for FY 2021 Project for Promoting Understanding of Energy Structure Advancement and Conversion.


On Monday, February 21, we held a symposium in the hybrid format (at Nagaoka City Hall AORE and online) titled “Toward the Promotion of a Sustainable Recycling-Oriented Society,” as part of the FY 2021 Project for Promoting Understanding of Energy Structure Advancement and Conversion. This project was undertaken at the request of the Nagaoka City administration.
Associate Professor YAMAMOTO Maki of Nagaoka University of Technology, who conducted the research in this project, reported on efforts to create an environmental industry using woody biomass and other resources such as abandoned farmland and forests that had not previously been utilized in Nagaoka City. Moreover, Professor YAMADA Noboru, who also conducted the research for this project, reported on current challenges and solutions for promoting the introduction of renewable energy to help Nagaoka City achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.
In addition, Mr. IKEDA Yuichi, Director of WEST ENERGY SOLUTION INC., gave a lecture on the importance of the SDGs and ESG from the perspective of corporate management, titled “What Are SDGs/ESG Management? Thinking Again Today: Economy × Ethics × Finance × Environment.”
A total of more than 120 people attended the event, either on-site or online. It was a great success, with many participants from outside Niigata Prefecture joining us online.

Report by Assoc. prof. Yamamoto

Report by Prof. Yamada

Special lecture by Mr. Ikeda

View inside the venue