- Nagaoka University of Technology
- Topics
- 2024.07
- President Kamado’s interview was published on Newsweek International Magazine
President Kamado’s interview was published on Newsweek International Magazine
President Kamado was interviewed by Worldfolio on April 9, 2024 regarding to the engineering education and international exchange and programs of our university and this interview was published on Newsweek International Magazine on June 28, 2024.
PDF version of articles published on Newsweek International Magazine are available as follows.
- President Kamado’s interview on the edition:
Japan’s Universities Evolve Toward Globalized Education(PDF:607KB)
- President Kamado’s Interview on our article:
Nagaoka University of Technology a Top Choice for International Engineering Students(PDF:2,482KB)
The article is translated into the following 5 languages.
To read the article on Newsweek Digital, please click the following URL.
To read the article on the edition on Newsweek Digital, please click the following URL.
To download the flyer, please click below.
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- The Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research, and Innovation (MHESI)’s Visit to NUT
- President Kamado’s interview was published on Newsweek International Magazine