

A student exchange event utilizing the metaverse was held.


On September 27 (Friday), a student exchange event utilizing the metaverse was held between NUT and the Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IITM). With students from both universities collaborating and taking the lead in this event, the participants included NUT students who will be studying abroad at IITM from October as well as IITM students who are currently studying Japanese in India.
Through videoconferencing, the participants took turns to introduce themselves in both Japanese and English before sharing prepared materials on-screen and giving presentations to introduce the regional characteristics of their hometowns.
This event provided an excellent opportunity for NUT’s international students to meet and interact with IITM students before going to India, as well as for IITM students to try out their Japanese language skills.
NUT will continue to hold similar events to increase the number of online student interactions and enhance communication using the metaverse.






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