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- The WISE Program Kick-off Symposium: “WISE Program for the Training of Professionals in charge of SDGs – Let Japan Shine Again”
Mar 15, 2019
The WISE Program Kick-off Symposium: “WISE Program for the Training of Professionals in charge of SDGs – Let Japan Shine Again”
On Friday, March 15, the WISE Program Kick-off Symposium was held at Gakushikaikan. This event celebrated the adoption of the “Global Pro-Active Root Technology Program” of Nagaoka University of Technology in the FY 2018 the Doctoral Program for World-leading Innovative & Smart Education Program (WISE Program) of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) and the nomination as the hub university for SDG (Sustainable Development Goal) 9 (Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation) in the UN Academic Impact program as a model university for innovative contributions towards SDGs fixed by the United Nations.
The symposium began with opening remarks by Dr. Nobuhiko Azuma, President of Nagaoka University of Technology, and a guest speech by Mr. Hiroki Hirano, Director of the Office for University Reform, University Promotion Division of the MEXT. Afterward Dr. Shigeharu Kamado, Executive Director and Vice President explained the WISE Program of our university, Dr. Yoshiki Mikami, Executive Director and Vice President, described the mission of the world hub university for the SDG Goal 9, and Mr. Yuukou Yasunaga, Director of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) Investment & Technology Promotion Office, Tokyo gave an interesting presentation.
Due to the support of members representing companies and academic institutions participating in this program, the symposium was a great success. In fact, it was standing room only.
Dr. Azuma, President, |
Mr. Hiroki Hirano, |
Mr. Yasunaga, |
Mr. Fumiaki Tajiri, |
Mr. Kaneko, Professor and Senior Faculty Director |
Information exchange session |