

非正規生 Non-Regular Students

非正規生の区分 / Classification of Non-Regular Students

学術交流協定に基づく特別聴講学生 / Exchange Student

An undergraduate or graduate student of other university/institution that has an academic agreement with NUT may earn credits by conducting research and/or taking classes at NUT as an exchange student.

学術交流協定に基づく特別研究学生 / Research Exchange Student (non-credit)

A graduate student of other university/institution that has an academic agreement with NUT may research at NUT as a research exchange student. No credit can be earned after completion of the study period of research exchange student.

研究生 / Research Student (non-credit)

A student who has completed undergraduate study may be admitted as a research student upon approval of NUT, to study a specific topic of research. No credit can be earned and no degree will be awarded after completion of the study period of research student.

検定料 / Screening Fee 入学料 / Admission Fee 授業料 / Tuition

9,800 yen

84,600 yen

29,700 yen/month

お問い合わせ / Contact

学生支援課 留学生支援係
〒940-2188 新潟県長岡市上富岡町1603-1
電話:0258-47-9285 FAX:0258-47-9050

Section of International Student Affairs, Division of Student Affairs
1603-1 Kamitomioka, Nagaoka, Niigata 940-2188, Japan
TEL: +81-258-47-9285 FAX: +81-258-47-9050

Email: ryugaku@jcom.nagaokaut.ac.jp