

海外渡航 Overseas Travel


海外渡航届 / Overseas Travel Notification


  • 大学で毎月サインをすることが必要な奨学金を受け取っている人は、事前に留学生支援係に相談してください。
  • 大学で毎月サインをすることが必要でない奨学金を受け取っている人は、奨学金支給団体への届出など、奨学金支給団体の指示に従って手続きしてください。
  • 1か月以上不在にする人は、アパートに住んでいる場合はアパートの管理会社(不動産会社)、リンテックハウスに住んでいる人は株式会社ヒロセの賃貸、その他のキャンパス内の寮に住んでいる人は学生支援課生活支援係に、事前に連絡してください。

All students who will be traveling abroad, including personal trips, must inform their supervisor of the destination and duration of their trip and submit an "Overseas Travel Notification" in advance.
This is in preparation for emergency communication with you during your trip.
In the event of a disaster, terrorist attack, infectious disease outbreak, or other emergency, we will be able to quickly confirm your safety.

  • Those who are receiving scholarships that require a monthly signature at the university, please consult with the Section of International Student Affairs in advance.
  • Those who are receiving scholarships that do not require a monthly signature at the university, please follow the instructions of the scholarship granting organization, such as reporting to the organization.
  • Those who will be absent for more than a month, please notify in advance. If you are living in an apartment, please contact your apartment management company (real estate company). If you are living in LinkTeCH House, please contact HIROSE CHINTAI Co., Ltd. If you are living in other dormitories on campus, please contact the Section of Student Support.

How to Submit

After logging in to "LiveCampus" from the "General Information Page for Educational Affairs and Student Support ICT System", go to "CampusEyes" from "System Cooperation Link", and be sure to enter "Overseas Travel Notification" under "Student Information Record" > "Overseas Travel".

General Information Page for Educational Affairs and Student Support ICT System


日本の外務省の危険情報レベル2以上の国へ渡航する場合 / If you travel to crisis level 2 or higher countries


外務省 渡航情報ホームページ

外部サイトへリンク 新規ウインドウで開きます。危険情報(地図)


  1. 渡航2週間前までに「海外渡航届」を提出する。
  2. 留学生支援係が危機対策本部事務局に「海外渡航届」を転送する。
  3. 危機対策本部事務局から一時帰国の許可の連絡が留学生支援係に入る。その後、留学生支援係から帰国の許可を受け取る。

From May 8 2023, travel to countries categorized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as a crisis level 2 or higher continues to require prior permission from the President of NUT. First, please check the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan's travel information website to confirm the risk level of your personal travel destination.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan Home page

外部サイトへリンク 新規ウインドウで開きます。Risk information

Process for traveling to a country with a crisis level 2 or higher

  1. Submit "Overseas Travel Notification" at least 2 weeks prior to departure date.
  2. Int'l student affairs transfer the "Overseas Travel Notification" to the Crisis Management Headquarters.
  3. Int'l student affairs is notified by the Crisis Management Headquarters of permission to temporarily leave Japan. After that, you receive permission to this travel from Int'l student affairs.


学生支援課 留学生支援係
〒940-2188 新潟県長岡市上富岡町1603-1
電話:0258-47-9285 FAX:0258-47-9050