

留学前必要情報 Pre-Arrival Information for New Students


ビザ申請書 / Visa Application Form

外部サイトへリンク 新規ウインドウで開きます。外務省HP (JP)よりダウンロードして、作成してください。この他のビザ申請書類については、日本国大使館/総領事館に確認してください。
Please download and prepare the application from 外部サイトへリンク 新規ウインドウで開きます。the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan (ENG). For other visa application documents, please confirm with the Japanese Embassy/Consulate General.

保証人および招へい人 guarantor and inviter in the application form

Regarding the information of guatantor and inviter in the visa application form (top of page 2), please refer to the file below.
ダウンロードのリンク 新規ウインドウで開きます。Information of Guarantor and Invitor(PDF:389KB)

在留資格認定証明書 / Certificate of Eligibility (CoE)

*留学ビザを申請する学生 for students who apply for student visa

1. 留学ビザの申請 application for a student visa

Once the CoE is issued, Int'l Student Affairs will send the scanned data of both sides of the CoE by email. Please apply for a student visa at the Embassy/Consulate-General of Japan with the scanned data.

2. 上陸審査 landing permission review

CoE should be submitted to an Immigration Inspector with a student visa for the landing permission at the airport of entry. Please print out the CoE and bring it in your carry-on baggage.

*CoEの電子化について digitization of CoE

Since March 17, 2023, with the digitization of the CoE, it has become possible to apply for a visa and landing permission by submitting a copy of the paper CoE.
外部サイトへリンク 新規ウインドウで開きます。出入国在留管理庁 Immigration Services Agency of Japan

短期滞在ビザ申請書類 / Application Documents for a Short-term Visa

参考: 外部サイトへリンク 新規ウインドウで開きます。外務省HP (JP)
*Visa requirements vary depending on the country/region of origin. Please confirm with the Japanese Embassy/Consulate General in advance.
Reference: 外部サイトへリンク 新規ウインドウで開きます。Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan (ENG)

短期滞在ビザが必要な場合 If a short-term visa is required

Int'l Student Affairs will send the three documents below by email. Please print them out and submit them along with the visa application form to the the Japanese Embassy/Consulate General.

  • 身元保証書 Letter of Guarantee
  • 招へい理由書 Letter of Invitation
  • 滞在予定表 Travel Itinerary

旅行保険 / Travel Insurance

Before leave your country, it is recommended to purchase a travel insurance for yourself and for your luggage in case of any accidents.

*非正規生へ for non-regular students

Those who stay in Japan for less than 3 months should purchase a travel insurance.
新規ウインドウで開きます。旅行保険 travel insurance

両替 / Money Exchange

It is quite difficult to exchange money in Nagaoka. Please be sure to exchange more cash at the arrival airport. We suggest you to bring approximately 200,000 yen in cash with you for immediate living expenses, especially if you rent an apartment.

クレジットカード / Credit Card

If you would like to use a credit card in Japan, it is recommended to bring a credit card which was issued in your home country.
Applying for a credit card in Japan takes some time for screening, and students’ applications tend to be denied.

電力 / Electrical Power

Electrical power in Nagaoka city is 100V/50Hz. If you are planning to use electrical appliances brought from your home country, please make sure to use transformers and plug adapters.

留学生のためのガイドブック / Guidebook for International Students (NUT)

Please read the guidebook carefully to prepare for your student life at NUT.

新規ウインドウで開きます。留学生のためのガイドブック Guidebook for International Students

外国人在留マニュアル / Foreign Resident Manual

Please check the manual for general information for living in Japan.
外部サイトへリンク 新規ウインドウで開きます。外国人在留マニュアル Foreign Resident Manual

渡日日程とフライト / Arrival Date and Flight Information

Please inform your arrival date and flight information to your supervisor and Int’l Student Affairs.

大学までのアクセス / Access to NUT

Access to NUT

新規ウインドウで開きます。Campus Map

越後交通バス / Echigo Kotsu Bus

外部サイトへリンク 新規ウインドウで開きます。長岡駅大手口 バスのりば ご案内(越後交通HP)
外部サイトへリンク 新規ウインドウで開きます。大手口7番線 バス時刻表(越後交通HP)

ダウンロードのリンク 新規ウインドウで開きます。Bus Stop and Bus Timetable (ENG) (PDF:435KB)
Reference: 外部サイトへリンク 新規ウインドウで開きます。Echigo Kotsu website (JP)

バスの乗り方 How to Take the Bus

How to take the bus

お問い合わせ / Contact

学生支援課 留学生支援係
〒940-2188 新潟県長岡市上富岡町1603-1
電話:0258-47-9285 FAX:0258-47-9050

Section of International Student Affairs, Division of Student Affairs
1603-1 Kamitomioka, Nagaoka, Niigata 940-2188, Japan
TEL: +81-258-47-9285 FAX: +81-258-47-9050

Email: ryugaku@jcom.nagaokaut.ac.jp

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