

奨学金 Scholarship


目次 Contents

入学前に申請できる奨学金 / Scholarships that can be Applied for Prior to Enrollment

大使館推薦による国費外国人留学生 / Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship (Embassy Recommendation)

Please contact the Japanese Embassy in your country of nationality.

大学推薦による国費外国人留学生(一般枠) / Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship (University Recommendation) [General]

This program is open to students who wish to enter our university's master's or doctoral programs. Students must first enroll as research students. Application materials are available only to NUT faculty members. Application materials should be obtained through NUT faculty members. The faculty member gives the application materials to the candidate whom he/she recommends. Please find a faculty member on your own who will give you the application materials (i.e., recommend you). The application deadline for Fall 2025 enrollment was closed on October 18,2024.

大学推薦による国費外国人留学生(特別枠) / Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship (University Recommendation) [Special Program]

SDGプロフェッショナルコース奨学金 / SDG Professional Course Scholarship

Please visit the "Application Procedure for Admission to the Master's and Doctoral Program (SDG Professional Course)" page below.

学習奨励費 / JASSO Gakushu-Shoreihi

Successful applicants who took the entrance exam overseas (outside Japan) are eligible for this scholarship. Candidates who meet the application requirements, including academic achievements, will be contacted individually by the Section of International Student Affairs.

入学後に申請できる奨学金 / Scholarships that can be Applied for After Enrollment

2025年度(第1回)私費外国人留学生奨学金登録申請 / Scholarship 1st Registration for Privately-Financed Students 2025

Please read HANDBOOK carefully and check important information such as necessary documents before submitting them to Section of International Student Affairs. Bring all of the necessary documents to Int‘l Student Affairs. Late and/or incomplete registration will not be accepted.

在学生・学内進学者 / Students who are NUT students as of 13th March 2024

Application Period : July 19th - August 9th, 2024 (17:00 in JST

International students who are currently applying for scholarships and awaiting results are also recommended to submit the application form this time as well.
Current students who cannot submit application documents within the registration period due to a temporary return to their home country, submission by e-mail is only permitted if a Notification of Travel has been submitted in advance.

新入生 / Students who will enter NUT on 1st September 2024 from other University

Application Period :September 2nd - September 9th, 202417:00 in JST)

ビザの発給状況により、書類提出期間内に長岡に到着できない新入生は、提出方法について留学生支援係に 事前にご相談ください。
Newly enrolled students who cannot arrive in Nagaoka within the registration period due to visa issuance status, please ask Int’l Student Affairs in advance about the submission method.

自由応募奨学金 / NOT Needing the University's Nomination


Eligibility criteria <Check application guidelines for details.>




日本留学奨学金パンフレット / Pamphlet "Scholarships for International Students in Japan"

外部サイトへリンク 新規ウインドウで開きます。日本留学奨学金パンフレット(日本語版)
"Scholarships for International Students in Japan" is a pamphlet that contains details of scholarships for international students. The scholarship information is based on the annual survey conducted by JASSO.
外部サイトへリンク 新規ウインドウで開きます。Pamphlet "Scholarships for International Students in Japan" (English)

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学生支援課 留学生支援係
〒940-2188 新潟県長岡市上富岡町1603-1
電話:0258-47-9285 FAX:0258-47-9050