Presentation for Innovation Commons Conceptual Plan: Collaboration project of “50th Anniversary Commemorative Project” and “Practice of Idea Development”


Nagaoka University of Technology has been offering a practical education subject called "Practice of Idea Development" as a common subject in the master's program since academic year 2019. The classes of "Practice of Idea Development" are conducted in a workshop style seminar divided into several groups, based on specific tasks commissioned by client companies.

As we advance toward our 50th anniversary in 2026, we will—as part of this major milestone—establish facilities (Innovation Commons) that further enhance student support and promote interactions with the local community by providing venues where students, faculty, staff, alumni, companies, and local governments can gather and engage in intellectual, regional, and international exchanges. In the “Practice of Idea Development” offered in the second term of 2023, the students brainstormed ideas for the Innovation Commons, a hub where players from all fields and situations can co-create in consideration of the university looking forward 50 and 100 years later, and presented their ideas on December 20. The students, divided into three groups, came up with ideas, “A space attractive to both students and local residents based on all five senses", “The GIDAI-oriented commons that fosters connections regardless of age, gender, or nationality", and “A place without barriers to classification and for continuous and sustainable interaction among people". At the presentation, there was lively exchange of opinions between President Shigeharu KAMADO, Executive Director and Vice President Minoru UMEDA, Vice President and Director of Administration Yasunori SATO, as well as the participating faculty and students. We plan to incorporate ideas from students in the "Practice of Idea Development" and from the results of surveys conducted among students and faculty into the conceptual plan for the Innovation Commons as part of our 50th Anniversary Commemorative Project.