Student written Research Laboratory Guidebook 2025Nagaoka University of Technology

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Disaster Resilience And Reconstruction Systems Engineering Laboratory(RS group)

Associate Professor / TAKAHASHI Kazuyoshi  Research Associate / SAKATA Kenta
  • Explore the city through the eyes of birds (satellite images, drones, etc.)
  • Utilization of Geospatial Information for Disaster Prevention and Mitigation
  • Solving social issues using remote sensing technology

Associate Professor / TAKAHASHI Kazuyoshi
I am conducting research to utilize spatial information collected by remote sensing technology in various fields. Professors consult with us not only in seminars but also on a regular basis about our research and provide us with accurate and detailed advice.

Research Content

We are engaged in research to utilize spatial information acquired by sensors mounted on drones and satellites for disaster prevention and mitigation in various fields. We are also actively engaged in research using the latest technologies, such as LiDAR devices and deep learning, which are recently used for automatic driving and other applications. Currently, I am working on the development of a method for measuring snow accumulation on roads using vehicle-mounted LiDAR and a method for monitoring the growth of agricultural crops using drone-mounted LiDAR.

A drone equipped with a laser scanner is used to measure paddy rice.

A Day in the Lab

In the laboratory, students conduct research at their own pace and report on their progress in weekly or bi-weekly seminars. Research is conducted in a well-planned manner, from data acquisition to examination of analysis methods. Students can also practice their presentation skills by using their own materials to give progress reports in the seminar. Since there is a lot of fieldwork, such as measurements by drone and acquisition of snow distribution, students help each other's research as they go along.

Point clouds around the road acquired by in-vehicle LiDAR.

Thesis Subjects

  • (M)Research on automatic identification of land cover change locations using time-series satellite image datasets
  • (M)Study on the advancement of snow removal patrols using LiDAR sensing technology
  • (M)Study on the Influence of Observation Conditions on Monitoring Paddy Rice Growth by Drone LiDAR Measurement

The number of
PhD Graduates


Major employers of Graduates

  • Sada Construction
  • Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc.
  • East Nippon Expressway (NEXCO East Japan)
  • East Japan Railway (JR East)
  • Niigata Prefecture
  • Transport and Tourism Hokuriku Regional Development Bureau
  • Chiyoda Engineering Consultans
Writer : Momoko KOBAYASHI, Civil and Environmental Engineering
(National institute of Technology, Nagaoka College)