




  • 技術や科学に強い関心をもち、それにかかわる学習に必要な基礎学力をもつ人
  • 知識をもとに思考を深め、それにより判断したことを適切に表現できる人
  • データサイエンス、IoT等の情報技術の素養を身につけるとともに複数の分野を学んで分野融合技術を開拓する意欲のある人
  • 新しい分野の開拓や理論の創出、ものづくりに意欲をもち、技術や科学を通じて社会に貢献したい人
  • 自ら積極的に学習や研究に取り組み、問題解決のために多様な人々と協力できる人
  • 優れた個性を発揮し、人間性が豊かで、責任感のある誠実な人



  • 調査書・推薦書により、高校時代の学習・活動歴、及び学力を評価します。
  • 小論文により、知識をもとにした思考力・判断力・表現力を評価します。
  • 志望調書・推薦書と面接により、人物・適性、及び基礎学力を評価します。


  • 大学入学共通テストにより、基礎学力を幅広く評価します。
  • 個別学力検査により、数学と理科のより高度な学力、及び思考力・判断力・表現力を評価します。
  • 志望調書と調査書により、人物・適性を評価します。






  • 制御、ロボット、システム、情報、計測などのメカトロニクス
  • 生産、機械要素、設計、加工、安全、新材料開発などのスマートファクトリー
  • 環境、熱、流体、燃焼、エネルギーなどの環境・エネルギー


  • ものづくりに強い関心を持ち、機械工学に関連のある新しい領域を切り拓く意欲を持つ人
  • 持続的な人類の発展において欠かすことのできない、安全・福祉・健康の技術を追求することにより社会に貢献する意欲のある人
  • 技術を科学的に捉えるための数学・自然科学・情報技術の基礎を理解し、それを応用することで技術の発展に貢献する意欲のある人
  • グローバルな技術者として活躍できるコミュニケーション能力及び専門知識を身に付ける意欲のある人



  • 数学:数学I、数学II、数学III、数学A、数学Bの知識と論理的思考能力
  • 理科:「物理基礎・物理」、「化学基礎・化学」、「生物基礎・生物」の3つの区分のうち2つの区分に係る知識と学力
  • 国語:現代文の基礎的な読解力、表現力とコミュニケーション能力
  • 英語:基礎的な読解力、表現力とコミュニケーション能力





  • 電気・電子・情報工学に強い関心を持つ人
  • 目標を立て、計画的に学習に取り組むことができる人
  • 一意に解が定まらない問題の解決に必要となる論理的思考力・判断力・表現力を高める意欲のある人
  • 数理データサイエンスの素養を身に付ける意欲のある人
  • 自らの考えを多様な人々に文書や口頭で明快に表現できるコミュニケーション能力を高め、当該分野での諸問題を協働して解決していく意欲のある人



  • 数学:数学I、数学II、数学III、数学A、数学Bの知識と論理的思考能力
  • 理科:「物理基礎・物理」の知識、「化学基礎・化学」の基礎的な知識
  • 国語:現代文の基礎的な読解力、表現力、コミュニケーション能力
  • 英語:基礎的な読解力、表現力とコミュニケーション能力





  • 文理融合の視点を備えつつ、人と社会の発展に情報技術や経営学の側面から寄与する意欲のある人
  • 自然科学及び社会科学に関する基礎を理解し、それらを応用することに意欲のある人
  • 技術を科学的に捉えるための数学、物理、化学の基礎を理解し応用する意欲のある人
  • 英語及び国語の学習に積極的に取り組み、国際的視野に立った高度な表現力を高めることに意欲のある人



  • 数学:数学I、数学II、数学III、数学A、数学Bの知識と論理的思考能力
  • 理科:「物理基礎・物理」、「化学基礎・化学」、「生物基礎・生物」の3つの区分のうち2つの区分に係る知識と学力
  • 国語:現代文の基礎的な読解力、表現力とコミュニケーション能力
  • 英語:基礎的な読解力、表現力とコミュニケーション能力





  • 人工的な制御による新物質の創成や,複雑で多階層な生物の機能に興味を持ち,未来材料の開発や環境・医療・介護・農業等の問題の解決に積極的に挑戦しようとする意欲のある人
  • 物理、化学、生物学などの自然科学および数学、情報に関する基礎的な知識をもち、自然現象を注意深く観察し、論理的に分析、問題解決に挑戦しようとする意欲がある人
  • 地球人として国内外の隔てなく活躍しようとする意欲を持ち、多様な人々と協力できる人



  • 数学:数学I、数学II、数学III、数学A、数学Bの知識と論理的思考能力
  • 理科:「物理基礎・物理」、「化学基礎・化学」、「生物基礎・生物」の3つの区分のうち2つの区分に係る知識と学力
  • 国語:現代文の基礎的な読解力、表現力とコミュニケーション能力
  • 英語:基礎的な読解力、表現力とコミュニケーション能力





  • 総合力:自然環境、人類の文化的・経済的活動と社会基盤技術との関連を常に意識して、物事を多面的に考えるとともに、人々の幸福と福祉について総合的に考える素養をもつ人
  • 責任力:社会基盤技術が社会や自然環境に及ぼす影響を理解し、社会基盤に関わる技術者は自らの技能を行使して社会に奉仕する責任があることを自覚している人
  • 基礎力:基礎的な数学や物理等の自然科学の素養、及びICT、AI等の情報技術に関する素養を持ち、それらを社会基盤技術に応用する意欲をもつ人
  • 専門力:社会基盤に関わる主要専門分野の知識を習得し、問題の解決に応用する意欲をもつ人
  • 解決力:社会基盤に関わる専門的な知識・技術を結集して課題を探求し、具体的な方針を組み立て、文理融合を目指し多面的に考察するとともに、必要に応じて他者と協力して解決する意欲をもつ人
  • 説明力:理論的な記述力、口頭発表能力、コミュニケーション能力、及び、国際的に通用する技術者としての基礎的な語学力を身につける意欲をもつ人
  • 学習力:大学院及び実社会において最新の高度な専門技術を修得するために、自ら積極的に継続して学習や研究に取り組む意欲をもつ人
  • 行動力:与えられた制約条件の下で計画的に作業を進め、結果を取りまとめる能力を身につける意欲をもつ人



  • 数学:数学I、数学II、数学III、数学A、数学Bの知識と論理的思考能力
  • 理科:「物理基礎・物理」、「化学基礎・化学」、「生物基礎・生物」の3つの区分のうち2つの区分に係る知識と学力
  • 国語:現代文の基礎的な読解力、表現力とコミュニケーション能力
  • 英語:基礎的な読解力、表現力とコミュニケーション能力


Admission Policy for First Year of Undergraduate Study

Nagaoka University of Technology aims to nurture the development of leading engineers and researchers with the practical and creative abilities to bring about global technological development using information technology, in accordance with the “VOS” spirit (referring to Vitality, Originality, and Services to society). To attain this goal, our university provides an integrated education that links the undergraduate and graduate programs under the premise that all students who enter the undergraduate program will continue to graduate school.

We invite students with the following characteristics to apply:

  • Students who have a strong interest in science and technology, and have the necessary fundamental academic ability
  • Students who can broaden their thinking based on knowledge, and are able to appropriately express their conclusions
  • Students who are motivated to acquire knowledge of information technology such as data science and IoT, and who are willing to learn from diverse disciplines and develop trans-disciplinary technologies
  • Students who desire to pioneer new fields and create new theories, have an interest in manufacturing and craftsmanship, and wish to make social contributions through science and technology
  • Students who are able to proactively engage in study and research, and are able to collaborate with a wide variety of people to solve problems
  • Students who possess rich individuality, abundant human qualities, and a strong sense of responsibility and sincerity

Mechanical Engineering

Advanced application of machinery to support manufacturing industries

Prospective Students
The objective of the mechanical engineering field is to foster independent, practical, and global-minded leading engineers and researchers who have abilities that range from fundamentals to global applications, including the use of information technology, in the following specialized areas (which form the foundation of mechanical engineering) and pave the way for developing manufacturing industries:

  • Control, robots, systems, information, measurement and other mechatronics
  • Production, machine components, design, processing, safety, new materials development, and other intelligent factory issues
  • Environment, heat, fluids, combustion, and other environmental and energy issues

Therefore, we invite students with the following interests:

  • Students with a strong interest in manufacturing and craftsmanship who are driven to develop new areas relating to mechanical engineering
  • Students who are willing to contribute to society through the pursuit of technology that promotes safety, welfare, and health, all of which are essential to humanity’s sustainable development
  • Students who wish to participate in the development of technology through the application of fundamentals in mathematics, the natural sciences, and information technology, which are needed to understand technology from a scientific perspective
  • Students with a desire to gain expertise and communication skills that are needed to play an active role as global engineers

Electrical, Electronics, and Information Engineering

The field of electrical, electronics, and information engineering is rooted in coexistence with nature and harmony with a diverse society

Prospective Students
The objective of this field is to foster engineers and researchers proficient in the energy systems that sustain modern society; engineers and researchers of advanced devices with combined electro/optical functions to support a safe society that is highly information-based and energy efficient; and engineers and researchers of advanced hardware/software, particularly in the fields of information, telecommunications, and control systems. The Electrical, Electronics, and Information Engineering curriculum includes classes common to all three courses (Electrical Energy and Control Engineering; Electronic Devices and Lightwave Engineering; and Information, Telecommunication and Control) as well as classes intended to increase specialized expertise in each course. Students use information technology, remaining aware of coexistence with nature and harmony with a diverse society, while following a systematic and cross-disciplinary curriculum enabling global technical development.

Therefore, we invite students with the following interests:

  • Students with a strong interest in electrical, electronics, and information engineering
  • Students capable of setting goals and studying systematically
  • Students with the desire to increase their logical thinking ability, decision-making ability, and expressive ability that are needed to solve seemingly-unsolvable problems
  • Students motivated to acquire the elements of mathematical data science
  • Students with the desire to improve their ability to clearly communicate their ideas both verbally and in writing, and to collaborate with a variety of people to solve various problems in their relevant fields

Information and Management Systems Engineering

Information and management science supporting an ultra-intelligent society

Prospective Students
The objective of the field of information and management systems engineering is to nurture advanced IT engineers, researchers, and managers who will be able to play an active role on the world stage with the basic knowledge and practical skills needed for systems development, data analysis, creation of innovative technology and business models, project management, and management strategy planning and promotion, in order to realize the construction and sustainable development of the ultra-intelligent society.

Therefore, our department invites students with the following interests:

  • Students with a desire to contribute to the development of people and society from information technology and management aspects, with a perspective blending the humanities and sciences
  • Students who desire to understand and apply the basics of the natural sciences and social sciences
  • Students who desire to understand and apply the basics of mathematics, physics, and chemistry in order to gain a scientific understanding of technology
  • Students who desire to actively engage themselves in the study of English and Japanese, and to acquire the ability to express themselves on the world stage

Materials Science and Bioengineering

The joy of creating and engaging in dialogue with nature. Coexistence with the earth through future materials and understanding of life

Prospective Students
The field of materials science and bioengineering aims to nurture engineers and researchers with the capacity to create cutting-edge materials and biotechnology and to develop production processes in which they are used as needed for the development of fields including medicine and nursing care, energy and environment preservation, electronics, information and communication, food products, safety, and so on, as leaders in the creation of future industries and the reform of society.

Therefore, we invite students with the following interests:

  • Students interested in the creation of new materials through artificial control and the complex and multi-level functions of organisms, motivated to develop future materials and make active attempts to resolve problems in the environment, medicine, nursing care, agriculture, and so on
  • Students with basic knowledge of natural sciences such as physics, chemistry, and biology as well as mathematics and information, who are motivated to carefully observe natural phenomena, analyze them logically, and attempt to solve problems
  • Students motivated to play an active role both domestically and worldwide as global citizens, with the ability to collaborate with a wide variety of people

Civil and Environmental Engineering

Creative civil and environmental engineering for the development of a sustainable society

Prospective Students
This field aims to cultivate leading engineers and researchers with the specialized knowledge to appropriately plan, design, build, and maintain various social infrastructures in order to support people’s social, cultural, and economic activities in harmony with the environment, using information technology, and who have the practical and creative abilities with integrated and global perspectives to contribute to the development of a sustainable society and the mitigation of natural disasters.

Therefore, we invite students with the following motivations and abilities:

  • Comprehensive ability: Students with the ability to comprehensively think about people’s happiness and welfare, as well as to think from a multifaceted perspective while always keeping in mind the associations between infrastructure technologies, the natural environment, and people’s cultural and economic activities
  • Responsibility: Students who recognize that civil and environmental engineers have a responsibility to contribute to society, and consider the influence of technology on society and the natural environment
  • Fundamental ability: Students with a strong foundation in the natural sciences (such as mathematics and physics) and information technology such as ICT and AI, and with the desire to apply this knowledge to civil and environmental engineering
  • Technical expertise: Students who desire to acquire expert knowledge in the major fields of study in civil and environmental engineering, and who have the desire to apply this knowledge to solve practical problems
  • Problem-solving ability: Students who wish to analyze problems using expert knowledge and skills in civil and environmental engineering, solve these problems according to a planned schedule that takes multifaceted considerations blending the humanities and sciences into account, and collaborate with others to address problems when necessary
  • Explanatory ability: Students who desire to master technical writing skills, presentation skills, and professional and international communication skills
  • Learning ability: Students who desire to continuously engage themselves in study and research in graduate school or industry in order to keep up with the latest in advanced technology
  • Executive ability: Students who desire to obtain the ability to execute projects systematically under specific conditions in order to achieve results


入試課 入学試験第1係
〒940-2188 新潟県長岡市上富岡町1603-1
電話:0258-47-9271 FAX:0258-47-9070
