

NUT Faculty Members and Students gave a lecture on "SDGs x Career Education and Research oriented to SDG9" to Waseda Saga Junior High School students.


On Saturday, December 19, Nagaoka University of Technology (NUT) faculty members and students gave a lecture on "SDGs x Career Education and Research oriented to SDG9" to third-year students of Waseda Saga Junior High School. We introduced researches oriented to the SDGs for the support on their career development as the school is conducting SDG study in the integrated studies class.

Following the introduction of NUT SDG activities by Dr. Mami Katsumi (UEA), the research oriented to the SDGs was each introduced by the faculty: Mr. Masayuki Nagai, a second-year student from Civil and Environmental Engineering; Mr. Taichi Tanaka, a first-year student from Science of Technology Innovation; Mr. Takumi Hirata, a first-year student from Mechanical Engineering; and Professor Seiichi Kawahara, Materials Science and Technology.

During the lecture, one of the students gave a comment, "The content was very interesting and I listened intently, and it was a very valuable experience to hear people from all over the world talking about the SDGs and society through Zoom."

NUT will continue to push forward with its efforts to achieve the SDG through collaboration with local communities and educational institutions.

<Reference: Presentation titles>
Mr. Masayuki Nagai:Relationship between SDGs and Civil and Environmental Engineering - Research on Soil and Liquefaction.
Mr. Taichi Tanaka:Research on the use of brain waves and how to choose a university.
Mr. Takumi Hirata:Snow, Ice and Nagaoka.
Prof. Kawahara:The Creation of Natural Rubber Chemistry - Restoring a Green Earth.

Mr. Nagai

Mr. Tanaka

Mr. Hirata

Prof. Kawahara


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