Student written Research Laboratory Guidebook 2025Nagaoka University of Technology

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Advanced Motor Systems Laboratory

Associate Professor / HIDAKA Yuki
  • Advanced motor research, ahead of its time
  • In-depth research through simulation and experimentation
  • Under the slogan of "Enjoy research"

Associate Professor / HIDAKA Yuki
Prof.Hidaka came to the University of Technology from a company. Since there are still only a few students in his department, he is very enthusiastic in providing guidance. He also cares about the student's lives. He is a teacher who can switch on and off.

Research Content

With the recent proliferation of electric vehicles, research on the motors that drive them is more exciting than ever. In this laboratory, we conduct research on various types of motors, with a focus on such motors for automobiles. We also conduct simulation research using electromagnetic field analysis and numerical optimization, allowing us to balance our efforts between simulation and experimental systems. There are very few laboratories in Japan that can conduct solid research on motors in this way, so this will definitely give you an advantage in your job hunting activities.

Motor in the lab

A Day in the Lab

In this laboratory, there are no core hours, and progress reports are given regularly at seminars. Therefore, there are relatively few time constraints and you can conduct research at your own pace.
Since the laboratory was just launched in FY2021, experimental facilities and simulation environment, as well as students rooms, are not yet in place. However, this means that we can build up the laboratory with our own hands. These advantages are unique to a newly established laboratory.
We also hope to build a friendly team with social events such as BBQs and futsal.

The Laboratory

Thesis Subjects

  • No data due to the newly established laboratory

The number of
PhD Graduates


Major employers of Graduates

  • No data due to the newly established laboratory
Writer : TAKAHASHI Sota, Electrical, Electronics and Information Engineering
(Akita National College of Technology)