Student written Research Laboratory Guidebook 2025Nagaoka University of Technology

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Knowledge Media Laboratory

Professor / HAYAMA Tessai
  • Challenges of Technology Development to Support Knowledge Society
  • One for All, All for One
  • Engaging throughtfully, intuitively, and logically

Professor / HAYAMA Tessai
He is a researcher in the fields of Computer Science, which covers software development and technical application of computer, and Knowledge Science. He offers us the opportunity to engage in our research process and to put into practice the cumulative process through critical thinking, scientific evaluation, and so on. He gives us good advice when we ask him for advice.

Research Content

In our daily lives and work styles, we have to deal with things intellectually and collaboratively; e.g., choosing information we need from lots of uncertain information around us and receiving proper support from the others. In this lab, we have been studying on new information technologies, such as human inteface design, software design, and database design, to enhance human abilities and collaborative activities for the daily lives and work styles. With the achievement of our studies, we can design systems to implement collaboration and creativity support environments, enabling the users to concentrate on intellectual tasks.

e-Learning system with concept-map creation support

A Day in the Lab

This laboratory started 7 years ago as Knowledge Media Lab. The members of the laboratory are composed of 1 professor, 3 graduated students, 4 undergraduate students, and 1 foriegn student. We decide the own research themes discussing with the professor some times, and then study on the own themes at our own time. There are regular meetings in which we report the research progress every week. We can have lots of fun time to perform the own research and talk with the lab members. This laboratory is open to welcome any persons.

picture of our laboratory

Thesis Subjects

  • (B)Classification of walking posture based on a single acceleration sensor using deep learning
  • (M)Developing e-learning support system for video streaming with concept-map creation.
  • (M)A Study on Interest Estimation of Passive Users in SNS

The number of
PhD Graduates


Major employers of Graduates

  • Mitsubishi Electric Co. Ltd
  • NTT TechnoCross Corporation
  • Sakeai (founded by the student)
  • NTT DATA HOKURIKU Corporation
Writer : Takumi HASEGAWA, Information and Management Systems Engineering
(Niigata Prefectural Sanjo High School)