Student written Research Laboratory Guidebook 2025Nagaoka University of Technology

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Knowledge System Laboratory

Professor / YUKAWA Takashi  Assistant Professor / ANDO Masahiro  Assistant Professor / SUZUKI Izumi
  • Realizing a computer system which enhances human intellectual activities
  • A wide range of research fields on Information Technology
  • Facility including high performance computing and huge capacity storages servers

Professor / YUKAWA Takashi
Professor Yukawa will advise on our research from a broad point of view. He always welcomes and aids students who seek help even with a busy schedule.

Research Content

Research in the laboratory aims to achieve a 'Knowledge Organizer,' which support human to take advantage of information and knowledge on the Internet. The Knowledge Organizer retrieves appropriate information, organises information to form knowledge, and provides users with appropriate forms. The research area may include texts, images, videos, time-series data, etc.

Computing Servers

A Day in the Lab

Each student is provided with a computer and workspace in the laboratory. There is no fixed working hour for the research, and the study can be done remotely at their home or in the laboratory.
We present our progress weekly. In the general meeting, important announcements and news are issued. Daily research progress is reported in another session where members are grouped by research fields.
Students can conduct their research with their favourite programming languages, such as Python and Java. In addition, there are programming lectures by senior students, and students who are interested in learning a new programming language can join freely.

Laboratory Room

Thesis Subjects

  • (M)Sales Forcasting Methods based on Deep Neural Networks using POS Data
  • (M)An Automatic Text Generation System using Keyframes in a Video to Reduce Processing Frames
  • (D)Course Design Method with ICT-integration into English Education for Non-native Learners

The number of
PhD Graduates


Major employers of Graduates

  • Mebius
  • Yahoo Japan
  • SocioNext
  • Nissan
  • Hitach
  • e-Seikatsu
  • WaterCell
  • Fuller
Writer : NYEIN May Khine, Information and Management Systems Engineering
(Niigata Prefecture, Nagaoka City, Nagaoka University of Technology)