Student written Research Laboratory Guidebook 2025Nagaoka University of Technology

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System Safety Engineering Laboratory

Professor / YAMAGATA Hiroshi
  • Organizational management, leadership and policies for safety
  • Danger flies from the sky
  • Let's go outside

Professor / YAMAGATA Hiroshi
Professor Yamagata wore two pairs of straw shoes, a professor of this university and an official of Kasumigaseki, for about five years. He has been devoting himself to education and research at this university since August 2021. He makes use of the network of people, discusses with outsiders anyway, and values social contribution through research results.

Research Content

The people, money, and time available for safety are limited. We are studying efficient organization and management. We are also researching the mechanisms and preventative measures for fraud in organizations. These are applied by graduates in the real world.
To ensure safety, we must prepare for external threats as well as countermeasures against breakdowns and mistakes. We propose a protection method that protects people and equipment from collisions of high-speed flying objects (flying objects due to tornadoes, missiles, aircraft, etc.), and search for a more effective protection method by verifying the effect of the idea by computational simulation.

A Day in the Lab

The laboratory holds regular seminars every week. In the seminar, there is a time of "chaos" to come up with various unexpected ideas about the research theme and a time of "logic" to organize the thoughts. Of course, we will also check the progress of your research. Stimulating each other leads to unexpected jumps. External stimulation is also important. We will actively discuss with external research institutes, universities, and companies.
By the way, the teacher loves Niigata sake. Some of the recent sake is like wine, which is popular with students.

Thesis Subjects

  • No data due to the newly established laboratory

The number of
PhD Graduates


Major employers of Graduates

  • No data due to the newly established laboratory
Writer : Professor Yamagata Hiroshi