

イベント告知&報告 Event information & reports



グローバルランチミーティングを開催しました Global Lunch Meeting was held


【Global Lunch Meeting was held】

On Thursday, December 7, 2023, Global Education Center hosted a global lunch
meeting.The guest presenter was Mr. Morozov Roman, an exchange student from
Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany, who talked about basic information
about Germany, the education system, and job hunting in Germany.
A total of 15 students from Japan, Germany, Vietnam, Myanmar, Mongolia, and Spain
attended and listened attentively.
During the Q&A session, international and Japanese students asked questions one
after another, and it seemed that they were able to deepen their understanding of
German education.
We will continue to hold exchange events to deepen mutual understanding.


  • とても興味深いイベントでした。外国人留学生のためにもっとイベントが開催されればうれしく思う。
  • もう少し、留学生と話す時間があったらいいなと感じました。
  • 日本人学生と外国人学生がお互いにアイディアを交換したりできるこのようなイベントにもっと参加したいです。
  • 少し短いように感じた。もっとカジュアルなイベントを行い、学生同士が自由に話せる機会になるとよいと思う。

【Comments from participants】

  • There is a lot of interest in this type of activity. I would appreciate it if more events were organized for foreign students.
  • I would have liked more time to talk with the international students.
  • I would love to attend more events like this that allow international students and Japanese students to exchange ideas with each other.
  • It was little bit short. it would be good to organize more informal meetings and provide opportunities for students to talk freely with each other.


海外実務訓練生による座談会を開催しました Roundtable with students experiencing overseas internships


【Roundtable with students experiencing overseas internships】

Global Education Center hosted a roundtable with students who had experienced
overseas internships on Wednesday, October 25, 2023.
The two presenters, students who experienced internships in Vietnam, talked about
the one-day routine, life in Vietnam, how to spend the weekend, etc.


It was a small session this time, but participants were encouraged to go abroad
because they could talk with the students at length, for example, about financial
support for internships, what they worried about, and the story behind the decision
to go overseas.
The presenters gave us the strong message, "Don’t be afraid to try; try to go abroad and experience and see as many things as possible."
We are hoping that a talk event will be held periodically so that many students will
have meaningful time to share.


  • 海外での生活が想像できました。
  • 貴重な機会なので、他の学生のみなさんももっとこのような時間を共有すべきだと思います。

【Comments from participants】

  • I could imagine a life overseas.
  • It was a precious opportunity, so other students should share the time.



メキシコツイニング・プログラム(TP)学生と日本人学生の交流会を実施しました。 International exchange event for Mexico Twinning Program (TP) students and Japanese students was held





【International exchange event for Mexico Twinning Program (TP) students and
Japanese students was held】

Center for International Exchange and Education (CIEE) hosted an internationl
exchange event on July 7th (Thu), 2022 for Mexican TP students, who were
attending summer intensive program, and Japanese NUT students. There were 5
Mexican students and 8 Japanese students; total of 13 students attended the event.

Students were divided into 3 groups and asked to talk freely. They
exchanged views, such as cultural
and custom difference between
Mexico and Japan and seemed to
have a profitable time. Several
students who exchanged their
contacts after the event were seen.

CIEE is hoping that international
and Japanese students deepen their exchange through these events.


  • 緊張しましたがとても楽しく交流できました。お互いの文化や習慣について知ることが出来て良かったです。
  • もっとたくさんの交流会に参加したいです。

Comments from participants

  • I was nervous, but enjoyed my first exchanged event. I am glad that we were able to exchange each other’s culture, custom and so on.
  • I would like to attend more exchange events!


国際連携センター主催の「Withコロナ緊急企画!!留学生動画コンテスト2021」の授賞式が行われました。Awards ceremony for “With-Corona Project!! International Student Video Contest 2021” conducted by CIEE was held on November 19, 2021.

左から:滝本浩一先生、劉自振さん、パドロンさん、ギジェルモさん、ヘススさん、サムさん、CIEE職員/Attendees of the ceremony


The awards ceremony for “With-Corona Project: International Student Video Contest 2021” conducted by Center for International Exchange and Education (CIEE) was held on November 19, 2021. The contest aims at reflecting the present situation of international students through the videos they have created, with various topics covered such as the life of studying abroad in Nagaoka and overseas daily life etc. 4 video works have been selected as awarded videos by Gidai-students through voting.


The awards ceremony was held in hybrid style, and 5 international students in Japan and overseas had attended.



The head of CIEE, Prof. TAKIMOTO Koichi gave an opening remarks, and presented awards certificates and trophies to award winners.

「最優秀作品賞」には、時差のある中で学業に励む姿を見せたヘスス・オルテガ・オルテガさん(ヘススさん)の動画<My e-xchange 私の「留学」>と、技大生の一日を描いた劉自振さん(劉さん)の動画<A day in my life at NUT New lifestyle during COVID-19 長岡技大生の一日>が選出されました。

The First Prize goes to Jesus Ortage Ortage(Jesus-san)’s video“My e-xchange” which shows how he has working hard to keep up on his study under time difference between Japan and Mexico, and Liu Zizhen(Liu-san)’s video “A day in my life at NUT New lifestyle during COVID-19” which depicts the daily life of a Gidai-student.


また、「優秀賞」には、ギジェルモ・イグナシオ・グアンゴレナ・ザルソサさん(ギジェルモさん)の活力あふれる動画 <You&me&time あなたとわたしと時間と>と、長岡市の風景と名所を取り入れたパドロン・パラガ・ホアン・ビセンテさん(パドロンさん)の動画<Rediscovering Nagaoka 長岡再発見>が選出されました。

The Second Prize goes to Guillermo Ignacio Guangorena Zarzosa(Guillermo-san)’s energetic video “You&me&time”, and Juan Padron(Padron-san)’s video “Rediscovering Nagaoka” which presents various spots and beautiful scenery of Nagaoka city.


After award presentation, participants watched the highlights of awarded videos and took a group photo lastly.


The awarded videos will be available on CIEE YouTube channel until end of March 2022.


投票者のコメント/Comments from voters

  • 「あっという間に動画が終わってしまった」

  • 「世界観が面白かった」

  • 「大変気持ちが伝わってくる動画でした。一早く、日本に来られることを願っています」

  • 「自分で作った中華風料理が美味しそう」

  • 「楽しかったです。もっと見たいです」

  • 「みんなすごすぎ!」

  • “I love your daaaance!!”
  • “I feel related with the situation of the number 4[Jesus-san's video]. And it gave me an open perspective of what I should do next.”
  • “They were super nice!”
  • “I appreciate the initiative. Well done to all of them!”
  • “Very impressive”

コンテストについて/About the contest


Please access here to view the details of the Contest.