Webinar on Refugees and SDGs
The Student SDG Promoters organized an online seminar on refugees and sustainable development goals. Lecturer explained refugees and the SDGs, and interviewed activists who have published books based on their experience as refugees. Through the seminar, we were able to raise awareness about refugee issues that are not usually noticed in Japan.
Student SDGs Promoter Organized a Seminar on “Refugees and SDGs”
- You can see the materials of the seminar here.
- You can see the video of the seminar here.
- You can read "Letters to the World from Moria" written by refugee Parwana Amiri, who was interviewed at the seminar here.
Efforts of Nagaoka University of Technology Toward Achieving the SDGs
- Online Seminar on LGBT+ and GSRM
- United Nations Academic Impact Activity Report
- United Nations Academic Impact 2022 Activity Report
- Webinar on Elimination of Violence Against Women
- Webinar on Refugees and SDGs
- United Nations Academic Impact Hub for SDG 9
- SDG Educational Game and Material developed by NUT
- Survey on the SDGs
- SDGs Student Member
- International Conference "STI-Gigaku"
- SDGs Promotion by Education
- SDGs Promotion by Regional Cooperation
- SDGs Promotion by Cooperation with KOSEN
- SDGs Promotion by Other Means
- What are the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?