SDGs Promotion by Education
GIGAKU SDG Institute
GIGAKU SDG Institute is an educational program that covers the university's faculty-graduate university integrated education system (corresponding to the SDG Engineer Course), the graduate social student special course (established as a SDG Professional Course in FY2019), and the technical science and innovation major (corresponding to the GIGAKU Innovation Course). It incorporates the concept of emphasizing SDGs, which is a shared goal of the global community that the next generation of engineers should acquire.
For more information about GIGAKU SDG Institute, please visit our website.
Application Procedure for Admission to the Master's and Doctoral Program (SDG Professional Course)
- The 8th Panel on GIGAKU Education was held
- UNITWIN Network Kick-off Meeting Held
- The 6th Panel on GIGAKU Education was held
- NUT received The Award for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology for the ninth consecutive year
- UEA et al. received the Japanese Society for Engineering Education, Engineering Education Award
- The 4th Panel on GIGAKU Education was held
- The 3rd Panel on GIGAKU Education was held
- UNESCO Chair Kick-off Meeting was held
- NUT's "GIGAKU SDG Institute" was certified as UNESCO Chairs Programme
Other efforts of SDGs Promotion by Education
- An event on SDGs was held for local high school students, at Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology in Viet Nam
- Office for SDGs Promotion of Nagaoka University of Technology and others participated in the “SDGs Seminar for 2023 Winter” hosted by the School of Engineering, Okayama University, giving lectures and conducting demonstrative experiments
- Held an Online “SDG Round-table Talk for Students”
- Lecture on SDGs Held at Nagaoka School for the Deaf
- Online student exchange held with De Montfort University, a UNAI SDG Hub University
- NUT organized an event “Let’s talk in English with other children!” and supported online international exchange
- NUT faculty members gave an online lecture on SDGs to Gosen High School
- NUT Faculty Members and Students gave a lecture on "SDGs x Career Education and Research oriented to SDG9" to Waseda Saga Junior High School students
- NUT faculty members gave a lecture on SDGs at Shibata Commercial Senior High School
- NUT faculty members and students visited Suyoshi Elementary School to teach a class aimed at improving community resilience
- NUT faculty members gave a lecture on the SDGs at Ojiya High School
- NUT Held an Online "SDGs Round-table Talk for Students" with Japanese and International Students
- NUT's "SDGs x Programming Education" Exemplary Class was featured on the United Nations website
- Exemplary class “SDGs x Programming education” was implemented
- Application for 2020 Nagaoka Summer School for Young Engineering (NASSYE)
- Students from Nagaoka Junior High School visited to study SDGs
- Nagaoka Summer School for Young Engineers (NASSYE) was held
- NUT students presented in English on the topic of SDGs in a clas
Efforts of Nagaoka University of Technology Toward Achieving the SDGs
- Online Seminar on LGBT+ and GSRM
- United Nations Academic Impact Activity Report
- United Nations Academic Impact 2022 Activity Report
- Webinar on Elimination of Violence Against Women
- Webinar on Refugees and SDGs
- United Nations Academic Impact Hub for SDG 9
- SDG Educational Game and Material developed by NUT
- Survey on the SDGs
- SDGs Student Member
- International Conference "STI-Gigaku"
- SDGs Promotion by Education
- SDGs Promotion by Regional Cooperation
- SDGs Promotion by Cooperation with KOSEN
- SDGs Promotion by Other Means
- What are the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?