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- 住居 Housing
住居 Housing
学生宿舎申込み (令和6年9月): Dormitory Application(2024 September) 選考は終了いたしました Closed
在学生の2024年9月の学生宿舎の申込方法はGoogle Formで行います。
入居を希望する留学生は、5月17日に留学生支援係から送信されたメールに記載されているGoogle formから2024年6月14日までに申し込みをしてください。
希望タイプの宿舎(男子学生宿舎・女子学生宿舎・家族/夫婦室)のGoogle formから申し込みをお願いいたします。
各宿舎のGoogle Form (2024年5月17日に留学生支援係から送られたメールをご参照ください)
【English ver.】
The 2024 September applications for student dormitory will be accepted through the Google form for the current student.
If you wish to reside in one of the dormitories, please apply through the Google form provided in the email sent by the section of International Student Affairs on May 17, 2024.
Please submit your application using the Google form for the type of dormitory you want(Male dormitory, Female dormitory or Family and Couple room) by June 14, 2024 .
Please make sure to submit the Google form after filling it out. After submitting the form, you will receive acceptance completion email. If you do not receive this email, your application has not been completed.
Application Deadline
June 14, 2024
How to apply
Each dormitory of Google Form ( Please check email which was sent by the section of International Student Affairs on May 17,2024)
Please contact the section of International Student Affairs (nutdia@jcom.nagaokaut.ac.jp) if you have any questions.
About On-Campus Dormitory
For more details, please refer here(PDF:2,185KB).
アパートの部屋を自分で借りる場合 Renting an apartment
外国人留学生受入れの機関(長岡技術科学大学)保証について:Institutional Guarantee System
International students at Nagaoka University of Technology can rent private apartments with the help of the NUT Guarantor Program for International Students. In this program, the Manager of Student Affairs acts as the guarantor for the student.
This program is designed to make it easier for international students to find a guarantor. To use this service, the student must enroll in the "Comprehensive Renter’s Insurance for International Students" provided by the Japan Educational Exchanges and Services Foundation
* The same procedure is applied for renewal of the contract.
The procedure is as follows.
1.外国人留学生本人が自分でアパートを探し、希望物件を見つけます / The international student finds an apartment on their own and selects their desired property.
※下記の不動産会社等で紹介されたアパートは本学がこの制度で連帯保証人となることができます。NUT can act as a guarantor under this program for apartments introduced by the real estate agencies listed below.
【不動産会社 Real Estate Agencies】
・深才貸間組合 SHINSAI Room & Lodging Union
・(有)五十嵐商事 IKARASHI-shoji
・(株)第一住宅新潟 DAIICHI juutaku Niigata
・(株)長岡総合開発 NAGAOKA Sogokaihatsu
・(株)丸藤 Marufuji
・(株)北山不動産 KITAYAMA-fudosan
【大学の寮で連帯保証人が必要なもの A guarantor is required for university dormitories】
・リンテックハウス LinkTeCH House
2.学生支援課留学生支援係に以下の書類を提出してください / Please submit the following document to the Int’l Student Affairs.
・Application of the Nagaoka University of Technology Guarantor Program for International Students’ Housing Agreement
3.学生支援課留学生支援係で払込票を発行しますので、指定したコンビニより「留学生住宅総合補償」の保険金を払い込んで、領収書を留学生支援係窓口に持参してください / Int’l Student Affairs will issue the payment slip of JEES insurance. Please pay insurance for “Comprehensive Renter’s Insurance for International Students” at designated convenience store in Japan.
(1) 賃貸借契約書(連帯保証人以外の記入・押印が完了したもの)Apartment Contact (Completed with all necessary information and stamps, except for the guarantor's section)
(2) 同意書(連帯保証人以外の記入・押印が完了したもの)Agreement (Completed with all necessary information and stamps, except for the guarantor's section)
Please bring both documents to the Int’l Student Affairs. Also, the number of copies varies depending on the contract, so please check when you process the contract.
4.保険金の入金が確認できたあと、「留学生住宅総合補償加入者証」を発行します / Once the insurance payment has been confirmed, the insurance holder's certificate will be issued.
5.賃貸借契約書、同意書に連帯保証人の記入押印をします / NUT will sing on your apartment contract and agreement.
賃貸借契約書、同意書、留学生住宅総合補償加入者証については各自大切に保管し、大家さん、不動産等に1部提出してください。Please keep the apartment contract, the agreement, and the insurance holder's certificate in a safe place and submit one copy to your landlord, real estate agent, etc.
長岡技術科学大学外国人留学生の下宿等賃貸借契約連帯保証制度を利用するための条件 Conditions for using the NUT Guarantor Program for apartment contract
1) 長岡技術科学大学に在籍し、「留学」の資格を有していること
1) You must be a student of NUT and must have a resident status (visa) of “Student”.
2) NOT have any relatives or acquaintances in Japan who can become as a guarantor.
3) Need to consent for NUT Guarantor Program
4) Must buy the Comprehensive Insurance for International Students by JEES while using this system.
5) If sharing a room, all room-sharing partners must be international students from NUT or their family.
6) Agree not to keep any pets while enrolled at NUT.
7) Do not fall befind on rent.
財団法人日本国際教育支援協会の留学生住宅総合補償(JEES) Comprehensive Insurance system for International Students by JEES
This system helps international students to conclude an apartment agreement. It comprises comprehensive insurance (lessee liability and personal liability insurance) and guarantor indemnity funds.
The premium is 4,000 yen for 1 year and 8,000 yen for 2 years.
Important) For damage caused to rooms, the coverage will be limited to cases where the damage is due to fire, explosion, rupture and/or water leakage.
説明書 Brochure
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学生支援課 留学生支援係
〒940-2188 新潟県長岡市上富岡町1603-1
電話:0258-47-9285 FAX:0258-47-9050
Information for International Students
- ガイドブック Guidebook
- 奨学金 Scholarship
- 住居 Housing
- 出入国在留管理局 Immigration Services Agency of Japan
- チューター制度 Tutor
- 日常生活 Daily Life
- 海外渡航 Overseas Travel
- インターンシップ Internship
- 自転車に乗るために To ride a bicycle
- 車を運転するために To drive a car
- 留学前必要情報 Pre-Arrival Information for New Students
- 卒業・修了時チェックリスト Check List: Before Leaving NUT
- 地域との交流 Local Community
- その他支援 Other Support
- 非正規生 Non-Regular Students